Summary of the Covid-19 arrangements

Requirements for teams

Before a team can run training sessions or play in matches the manager or coach will need to have the following.


  • A Consent Form at the outset for each player that wishes to return
  • A COVID-19 Self Check form


  • Sanitiser Spray for the equipment
  • Sanitiser Wipes (for cleaning footballs)
  • Hand Sanitiser
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for when First Aid is given. The PPE needed is:
    • disposable gloves
    • disposable plastic aprons; and
    • face masks


Within each team, two coaches must be in-date DBS checked and at least one must be Level 1 qualified and have completed the Safeguarding and Emergency Aid courses.

Before football training and matches

  • Everyone should self-assess for Covid-19 symptoms before every training session or match. If you are symptomatic or living in a household with possible or actual Covid-19 infection you must not participate or attend. You should stay at home and follow the latest Government guidance.
  • The Club is required to follow the current NHS Test and Trace protocols. This includes keeping an Attendance Register for training and matches.
  • Sports and personal hygiene measures need to be carried out by players, officials, coaches and parents. This includes the use of hand sanitisers.
  • The sharing of kit and equipment should be avoided where possible. But where equipment is shared, it must be cleaned before use by another person.
  • Goalposts and corner poles should be wiped down before matches, after matches and at half time.
  • Government guidance for travel must be followed, including minimising the use of public transport.
  • Players should arrive changed and ready to take part.
  • Meet-up times will be adjusted to avoid time spent congregating at a venue.
  • The use of clubhouses, hospitality facilities, changing rooms and toilets must adhere to Government guidance.
  • Anyone who is deemed vulnerable in respect of Covid-19 is reminded to follow the Government’s guidance. They should only return to football when it’s right for them to do so.

During training and matches

  • Competitive training can take place outdoors in groups of no more than 30 (including coaches).
  • Competitive matches are allowed with social distancing in place before and afterwards and during any breaks in play.
  • The sharing of kit and equipment should be avoided.
  • Participants should bring their own drinks or refreshments in named containers.
  • When the ball goes out of play, it should only be retrieved by participants in the game. It should be retrieved using the feet rather than the hands where possible.
  • The FA Covid-19 Code of Behaviour should be followed. This can be found as an appendix to this document.
  • Participants must not spit and should avoid shouting or raising their voices when facing each other.
  • Modifications have been made to specific situations, such as set plays and goal celebrations. For example, players should take free kicks and corners as quickly as possible in order to minimize the amount of time that players spend marking each other.
  • Coaches should do their best to keep down the instances of players being in close proximity during match play and training.
  • Injuries can be treated and this should be done using rigorous hygiene procedures.
  • Spectator groups should be limited to six people per group. The groups should be distanced from each other in line with Government guidance.
  • Match fee payments should be cashless where possible. 
  • Small-sided football matches should include more regular hygiene breaks.
  • When playing at venues such as Goals, players should be discouraged from touching or tackling against the boards.

After training and matches

  • Hands should be washed at the earliest opportunity and personal equipment should be wiped down with a disinfectant.
  • Unless absolutely necessary, players should take their kit home to wash themselves.
  • Players should take a shower at home after training and matches.
  • Everyone must continue to maintain social distancing if they visit any facilities where groups of people congregate such as cafes, bars and clubhouses.
  • Anyone who becomes infected after training or matches should report this to the NHS Test and Trace system.

NHS Test and Trace

As a Club we must support NHS test and trace efforts by collecting the names and contact information of participants at both training and matches.

This information will:

  • be stored for a minimum of 21 days in line with the Government Recreational Team Sport Framework; and
  • collected/processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and in line with GDPR principles.

It will only be used only for the purpose of NHS test and trace.

Attendance register

Managers and coaches will need to keep a register of everyone from their team that attends training sessions and matches. A template that can be used for this purpose is at Appendix 1 of this guide. 

Arrangements at Kings College Playing Fields

  • The car parks at King’s College Playing Fields are for the use of managers and coaches only. So parents or carers who travel by car will need to park on the adjoining roads.
  • Everyone should enter the playing fields via the car park entrances and not via the gates on King’s College Road and Park Avenue. The entrance and exit to the fields will be clearly marked with signage. If there is a queue to enter the playing fields, people should make sure they maintain social distancing as they wait to enter.
  • There are sanitising stations located as people enter and as they exit the playing fields. These should be used on entry and exit from the fields.
  • Until teams move to their winter training venues, they are allocated to designated training areas at Kings College Fields.
  • Each training session slot is 90 minutes. The slots should be used as follows by coaches: 15 minutes for preparation including equipment cleaning; 60 minutes for training; 15 minutes to clean equipment and pack away

The key sports hygiene messages

Sports hygiene has never been more important. Good practices in this area are as follows:

  • Maintain social distancing
  • Ensure clean hands and avoid touching your face
  • Cover coughs and sneezes
  • Ensure clean surfaces and equipment
  • Avoid sharing equipment
  • Clean and cover wounds